Modesta 150cc Scooter Preview

Ok so I presume that many of you already know about and have seen pictures of this new offering from Power Sports Factory, the MotoStrada 150. I had the opportunity to see it in person today and let me tell you it is one sharp looking scooter. Unfortunatly I was just passing through and did not have a camera with me but I will be back there soon with one in tow. I can though do my best to describe some of its features to you. Im sure PSF can give everyone the real
low down but here were my impressions.
The scooter at first glance looking head on looks shorter and wider than the rx200hp. Upon inspecting both closely I think they are actually the same width but the motostrada does appear shorter. For one the top does not turn like the rx200hp, excuse me if I dont know what the part is called. The handlebars on the motostrada go straight down into the body with only the wheel turning where as on the rx200hp the whole top part with the lights turns.
The instrumental panels are relocated almost flat down in front of the handle bars. You almost have to peak forward to look but I do like how they are non intrusive. They are protected by an integrated windshield which actually raises the overall height above the rx200hp.
Built into that windshield is driving light. In addition to this added driving light there are turn indicators in the fairings. Signals are still located in the mirrors like the rx200hp but unlike the rx200hp these mirrors are higher, angled, and elongated to greatly improve visibility.
The seat (both on the center stand) is higher on the motostrada than the rx200hp but only slightly. The seat itself appears to be more comfortable, although I did not really sit on them while on the center stand. It is wider and also features more curvature in the backrest. Doesn't appear to leave much room to scoot back but your 2up buddy will definatly appreciate the seat. There are nice metal foot rests for them as well. In fact the rider is treated to the same detail.
However one point to note is that it is not a true step through in the sense that the rx200hp is. There is a low hump running down the center line. Also absent is a front glove box although it the underseat storage space does appear larger.
Combine all these feature comforts with some excellent mechanical upgrades and I think we have a winner. Dual gas shocks in the rear with discs brakes front and back will make this one sweet ride. The color they have in the showroom is completely silver down to the front wheel well. I am assuming this is powered by the same gy6 engine, perhaps with some PSF love infused, and will thus be compatible with the great upgrade gadgets PSF has been rolling out.
That scoot looks pretty good in the pictures, though I don't love those mirror stalks. They look a little "buggie" to me.
I think my PSF equipped Phantom will be my ride for one more year before I consider moving into a bigger scoot.
I'm still waiting for the young guy that works across from me to total his Daelim in the winter weather. When he does I'll try to buy it and fit the fuel injection onto my Phantom.
I see a lot of similarities between Tank, Strada, Vento and Boss. I am looking to purchase a new 150 CC scooter and like the looks of the rx200hp. I understand it is a little more powerful and about 2 to 300 dollars more thatn the standard 150. Tanks and Boss's are little cheaper. Vento a little more. The key is reliability and quality since I am a new scooterist. If anyone responds please give me reasons for your recomendations. From my research chinese scooter come with many minor problems and maybe a few major problems. One scooter Magazine shows the worst case scenario of ordering on line. I would really appreciate advice that will keep me from making a big mistake.
They rx200hp is a nice scooter. The Strada 150CE is really nice as well. If you plan to upgrade, while they are working on compatible upgrades for the rx200hp, the 150CE might be a better bet. Also it comes standard with dual gas shocks as well as rear disc brake. These are both lacking on the rx200hp. Now I know the new '06 models are supposedly coming equipped with these standard so I would check. This should be the case with most other brands as well. Another brand to look into is the UM Matrix which comes with a 3 year parts warranty. Again if you were to modify the scooter this would become void. I think Power Sports Factory is doing a good job with the performance upgrades and served me right with my purchase. In the 150cc class you can also look at the Strada rx8i (smaller, more euro design) which will be coming for the '06 season. This scooter should really fly given the size/weight. Also the new modesta will be here in just over a month followed by the 250cc version.
Thanks for the input. My research has provided me with similar info on the Strada. I will look int the UM Matrix. But are there significant differences between the other brands. Is it just the dealer and the brand doesn't matter or does the brand matter?
Well the brand does matter to a cerain extent. I think that a scooter from most any of the brands will perform as expected. That being said you do hear stories about trouble with all brands. Many of these problems are the result of improper assembly. As you can imagine most of the materials you receive with the scooter are in pidgeon english with no good setup instructions. There are now instructions on the web from fellow scooterists who have been through this which should help. Having a dealer do the prep should eliminate any hassle or worry over assembly. It also ensures that the warranty is activated and valid. You may want to see if a local scooter/motorcycle shop would be willing to take delivery and do the prep or at the very least if they would help down the road should a problem arise. Most of the maintenance and problems can be done at home with the aid of some manuals and common sense.
Going back to whether the brand makes a difference. Buying from a well established brand will ensure that you have access to parts when needed. This was one big reason I went with the Strada. I had heard good things, PSF is local, they have plenty of parts, and design and produce their own performance upgrades. Also most of these brands do source the same parts (at least body panels) in China but use different factories for final assembly. Some produce their own engines in house (like Qianjiang, who Strada uses and formely made Ventos) other purchase them and then assemble. You hear good and bad about factories in China just like dealers here in the US. Its sometimes hard to isolate fact from fiction although I do think some (like Qianjiang) have a better track record then others. Personally I would look into the Stradas, UM Matrix, and Barons. But if you did have a brand local that may be good too as you have dealer support which for those unwilling to turn a wrench is vital.
Hopefully this helps rather than add to the confusion. If you have any more questions or if something is unclear let me know. I will do my best to answer them.
Are you saying the Rx 200 hp is a work in progress. It seems the ce or te strada is a better value. I expect even though I know nothing about motor mechanics to learn and do as much as possible> I will post my experiences and help those like myself. On another site you mentioned something about the oil coolingon the rx200hp. Is that a problem or not optimum? By the way few dealer in the Atlanta area wants to touch a chinese bike. They are very snoby. They suggest that I go to a lawn mower dealer. I have found a potential. Since set up is minimal I am not too concerned. Fill and charge battery, install mirrors put in gas. I will tighten all nuts and scews and go. One problem I seem to see on these blogs is oil leaks. I am not even sure where the oil stick is to see if levels are adequate. Your input is very helpful, Thanks
The rx200hp does have an oil cooler with lines cut through the engine block to circulate it. The Daelim ns125 scooter upon which its based also has this feature. It is a nice thing to have but not essential. You are correct the CE or TE are probably a better value. I believe the upgrade mods are more readily available (although supposedly they are being adapted to the rx200hp) and it comes stock with gas shocks and dual disc breaks. These two things may be available on newer rx200hp's but are certainly worth having. In regards to shops that will work on these scooters I think those shops you spoke to must rely more on sales then service. Id tend to think service would pay better but what do I know. In reality these scooters are fairly simple if you are willing to wrech and I can provide plenty of service manuals to assist. A good place to look for cheap(er) labor that would be willing to help is on craigslist or some similar community board where you can find other local enthusiasts. Ive seen a few people locally advertising their motorcycle expertise this way. Let us all know how everything turns out!
hello iam looking for a good place to buy parts for my strada by yamati 2005 touring edition can someone please help me
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