It costs a BMW X3 driver more money per kilometre just for tyres than it costs to fuel a 125cc scooter.
Interesting news report from overseas:
It costs a BMW X3 driver more money per kilometre just for tyres than it costs to fuel a 125cc scooter. Speaking at a BDO Spencer Steward presentation recently, tax professor Matthew Lester pointed out that the fat tyres of an X3 cost R1,50 per kilometre. The average scooter sips just 0,04 litres of petrol (worth 23c) per kilometre.
This could be one of the reasons why two-wheeled vehicle sales are growing at a much faster rate than cars. According to statistics released by the Association of Motorcycle Importers and Distributions (Amid), sales of motorbikes in the 0-150cc category posted a year-on-year gain of 100% for the month of October (2288 vs 1144 units).